We didn’t know if the two yearling ewes Poppy and
Honeysuckle actually bred their first year. Although new Shepherds, I was
fairly sure they were pregnant since they had the characteristic “full” look,
the right side (baby side in ruminants) was more prominent then the rumen side,
and their belly hung lower (when not pregnant they have a tucked-up look). But
we weren’t counting on it.
Sure enough, SSR Poppy delivered a tiny little ram Tuesday,
April 16th. But he was too tiny, we think a preemie. He only weighed
around 3 pounds, the entire hoof was soft and white still, teeth not erupted,
and the horn area was just bare skin. He was very weak and couldn’t stand or
suckle. As the morning went on he grew weaker, soon he was barely breathing and
seemed unconscious. The poor wee one didn’t make it. Poppy grieved for a couple
days, but is doing well. She appears to have adopted the role of flock Auntie
with the lamb’s often taking naps all around her, and licking her ears; she
checks on them all. She is a very sweet tempered ewe anyway and had been quite
gentle with each new lamb born.
Then on the 21st, SSR Honeysuckle delivered a
darling little ewe. She is small too at 4lbs. 7oz, but is fully developed and
vigorous. She is dark brown with white spotting, really adorable.
We watched most of the day to make sure she had nursed but Honeysuckle always
seemed to step away from her when she tried. Being that Honeysuckle is a first
time mom, we couldn’t rest easy so we got hold of her and helped the lamb get a
teat. Boy was she happy for that meal! My coat buttons, collar, and chin just
didn’t satisfy! And for anyone who has ever had a milk cow, Honeysuckle went
into “the zone” while the lamb was nursing.
;) Both seem fine today but
we’re keeping a close eye on them. The lambs sire is Cedar Haven Max.
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